Thursday, August 7, 2008

Kitchen sink drama

Scene: Kitchen.

I am holding forth on something or other at the same time as trying to bat at a little fruit fly (or Drosophilia melanogaster as it likes to be known on formal occasions).

I suddenly fall silent, Lover, well Spouse, is unused to such silences and looks up enquiringly, no doubt wondering whether the issue could be a temporary lapse in her own hearing (rather like an ipod going down...has the song stopped abruptly or is it the earphones?)

I am standing very still in the kitchen still holding the fluorescent fly swat aloft, yet quite motionless.

"I just swallowed a fly."
I say.

Lover: "Thanks I've been trying to get that one for ages."


ReneeG said...

I used to work with drosophila in my genetic lab in college and I cannot tell you how many of those suckers went right down my esophagus. I'm pretty sure I had one go down the old wind pipe, too. I think it's safe to say that you'll be ok... I'm still alive and have no birthed any large, mutant fruit flies (that I know of)

pink coloured glasses said...

Thanks for the comment, nice to see you on the site. Sorry for the appalling lapse of time since I last was tapping way here. PFSD- Post Fly Swallowing Disorder. Relieved to realise I am not about to give birth to a strange me-fly hybrid, or have a Kafka-esque metamorphosis for that matter.
Take care