Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pillow waffle

I have often been accused of being both verbose and somewhat tangential, of striking off on my very own train of thought. Everyone likes to think that such verbosity is more a sporadic affliction than particularly pervasive or insiduous. Apparently not.

Take last night for instance, lover and I were lying together after earth shattering sex, engaging in post coital pillow talk. In my state of blissful contentment, I was mumbling and muttering away about something. More a state of free association than any ordered speech, indeed the word speech in itself could have been an understatement.

I broke off to fumble for some sort of accrouement on the bedside table and in doing so lost sight of my point (lingistically rather than phallically speaking).

"Where was I?" I asked lover bewildered for a moment.

"Carnivorous plants"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!