Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pink perspective: left-leaning lesbian

As a liberal, left-leaning lesbian I see the world through glasses that have a definite pink hue to them. By this, do not infer that I am a Polyanna-like eternal optimist, far from it. A Libranesque reality-defying balancing act of cynicism and realism colours my vew of the world. That, and of course my innate tendency to see things with a gay slant at times: a bent perspective if you will.

In these anti-ethnocentric times, for me to be reduced to mere functions of my demography is, well, downright belittling in the literal sense of the world. But then, need that make it any less true? My argument is that the counterpart to this, the prevalent heterosexist view needs redressing somewhat.

Meaningful cultural references that resonate for me are those that have a sapphic spin to them. I spend a great deal of time seeking gay (specifically lesbian) culture- film, music, TV shows and soforth. When Alanis Morisette sang the lines, "meeting the man of my dreams, and then meeting his beautiful wife" in the aptly titled Ironic, I smiled a wry smile while a straight friend argued that my homocentric perspective led me to misinterpret the lyrics. (The famously bisexual singer has since confirmed the deliberate ambiguity of the line, releasing yours truly from the hook). Could this imply that it is my straighter brethren who cannot shift their stance to admit other possibilities- so acustomed are they to everything being hetero, or simply that people of course will see the world form where they are standing first, and other perspectives second.

So for now, I'll keep my pink-specs right where they are. This is no doubt due to my inherent inability to appreciate the opposite of the species in "that" way, and frank love of same-sex sex and love. While still no natural optimist, I wouldn't change my position for all the world.

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